This is my first attempt at a terrine. Per my usual M.O. I read a couple of recipes and followed neither. It didn't set up quite like I thought it would, but not too bad. Should have cooked my vegetables more I think. They were still too al dente. Used red and yellow pepper strips, matchstick carrots and scallion tops split open for the outside. Homemade chicken stock for the base with some added gelatin.
Oh wow, that looks more like art than food. How did it taste?
It is a stunning picture tho.
Wow, this looks amazing! Not only are you very talented in art but in the art of food as well!
this looks so healthy.
nice blogs dude
WOW.I'm hungry...
thank you for leaving a comment on my illo. i have to admit that this blog intrigued me more than the other, and i'm definitely visiting again...
i would have never guessed those were scallion leaves split open. they almost look like banana leaves which we sometimes use to wrap and steam food in.
so what's next???
Scott, you are one of the best cooks I know! Is there a gelatin in that? Beautiful color combination with the seaweed...correct?
Hope you are well my friend!
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